Stakeholder Meeting - Tax Treatment of Shareholders

At the request of the JSCCA, on Wednesday 19 April, Revenue Jersey is convening a stakeholder meeting at the Town Hall to review the tax treatment of sums paid to shareholders.  The meeting will begin at 10:00am and finish at around 12:00pm.  
Please be advised that, in the interests of fairness, attendance will be limited to two delegates per company/firm.  
The purpose of the meeting is to clarify, among other things:

  • Revenue Jersey’s treatment of the sums paid to a shareholder in a financial period;
  • the withdrawal of the “Allocation of company drawings” statement of practice, and its replacement with a new concession; and
  • Revenue Jersey’s position on ‘protective’ appeals from shareholders (in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the Income Tax Law).

This should be of particular interest to companies, and to firms who prepare tax returns for Jersey-resident individuals who own companies.
Anyone who wishes to attend should send Francesca Ahier (f.ahier@gov.je) the names of any attendees by email as soon as possible.

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